When you open UEVS, you have the option to Create a new show or Load an existing show

What is a show?
Simple, you may call a show as a project

Create a new show

In order to create a new show you just need to open UEVS, click on one of the available studios and start customizing it

Save changes / Save show

Once you had made changes you may want to save them, so let’s learn how to do it

To save a show, just locate the Save Show button in the top bar. Simply click on it, and a form will appear. Provide a name for your show and click on the Save button.

If you save a show with the same name, it will override the existing show

Load an existing show

If you have already customized a studio and saved the changes, you can load that show in order to keep working on it, so let’s learn how to do it

You have 2 options in order to start loading an existing show

  • Once you are on the home screen, look up for the Saved shows section
  • Click on the dropdown which contains all your saved shows
  • Pick a show of your preference
  • Click the Load Show button