
Every studio has its own customization options. These include color, numbers, sliders, and boolean parameters that can be customized

To begin customizing a studio, simply click on the button with the gear icon at the bottom and start tweaking the parameters

Viewport navigation

Learn to navigate the viewport with your keyboard or gamepad


  • Click and hold the Right mouse button and move the mouse to look around

  • Use the W A S D keys to move around, similar to FPS games

  • Use the Q and E keys to move up and down

  • Scroll up and down to move forward and backward

You can press R on your keyboard to reset the camera (work on Director tab as well)


UEVS supports navigation with a gamepad, specifically tested with an Xbox controller. Here’s how you can navigate using a gamepad:

  • Use the Left analog stick to move around

  • Use the Right analog stick to look around

  • Use the RT (Right Trigger) and LT (Left Trigger) buttons to move up and down

Please note that this feature is specifically designed for Xbox controllers and may not work with other gamepad models